Factor Briquettes Wood Coal Furnace oil
Calorific Value 3800-4800 Kcal/Kg2500-3000 Kcal/Kg4800-5500 Kcal/Kg9800 - 10100 Kcal/kg
Ash Content (%) 2-1520-2520-400.1
Moisture (%) 8-1025-3510-200.5
Smoke/Pollution No SmokeHigh SmokeHazardous gasHazardous gas
Boiler Efficiency(%) 75607580 - 85
Effect on Boiler Normal fly ash deposit in tubesRegular maintenanceHigh wear and tearRegular maintenance
Man Power Single personMax numberMin two personsSingle person
Handling EasyToughDifficultTough
Cost (Rs/Kg) 4-63-47-950-55
Value to the spent Optimum valueModerate valueLeast valueHigh value